Accounts Receivable & Payable

Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Cash Flow Forecasting & Collections Management

Your business isn’t all about money, and you may not want to think about money at all, but somebody has to. Accounts receivable, accounts payable, cash flow forecasting, and collections management are the behind-the-scenes things that allow a business to run. You probably didn’t get into business to spend your days paying bills and issuing invoices to clients – and definitely not to be chasing down bad debts. Let Infinite Solutions handle your business accounting needs so that you can concentrate on the parts of your business you enjoy.


Accounts Payable

Simply put, accounts payable are what a business owes after purchasing services or supplies on credit from a vendor. These are your business liabilities, and you need to be aware of them and pay them off in the time frame indicated on the invoices. At Infinite Solutions we can keep track of your upcoming invoices and help ensure that your business stays on top of its accounts payable.


Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable is the money that is owed to a business for goods and services that it has sold on credit to customers. These are considered the business’ assets. A business needs to keep on top of accounts receivable because that money is owed for services rendered or for goods that are already gone from your inventory. Sending invoices and payment reminders can be tedious and time-consuming – which is a great reason to leave it to the experts at Infinite Solutions.


Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash flow forecasting is the process of looking at not only accounts receivable and accounts payable but also the other financial assets and liabilities a business has – including payroll, insurance, mortgage, and ensuring that the business has cash on hand to meet its financial obligations. It’s a lot to keep track of, but our decades of experience can help make sure your business has the money it needs when it needs it.


Collections Management

Even with good accounts receivable invoicing and regular reminders, sometimes invoices don’t get paid. You did the work, you shouldn’t be out the money. Many business owners don’t have the time or energy to chase down bad debts and don’t want to engage the services of a collections agency. Before you give up on money owed to you, let Infinite Solutions take on your collections management tasks while you worry about your business.