Individual Tax Services

Tax Services

Whether you’re looking for help making RRSP calculations to maximize your retirement income and minimize your tax burden, are looking to catch up on multiple years of missed tax returns, have unique tax implications such as rental income, or have received a letter from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) asking for additional information or informing you of an audit, we’re here to help.

Older asian couple looking though paperwork

RRSP Calculations

Need RRSP advice? We will gladly refer you to one of our trusted partners and work in conjunction with them to ensure your needs are met! We can work with you to determine the optimal amount you should be putting into your RRSP and then help you find the best advisor to help you decide what to do with the money.


Multi Year Catch Up

Are you behind in filing taxes? Did life get in the way? Does it feel like it’s too big a task to do on your own? We can help! Whether it’s just last year’s taxes you need to catch up on or you’ve got a shoe box full of the information you’ve been meaning to get to, let us help you with your multi-year tax catch-ups.


Audit Resolution

Sometimes, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) sends taxpayers requests for more information. This information can be related to deductions such as medical expenses or charitable donations. It’s not the end of the world but it IS important that you respond with the requested information within the 30-day time period. If the CRA feels an audit is warranted, we will be with you every step of the way.